Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dougal is not a friendly dog.
He might take food from your hand tenderly and yet he'll think twice about having your hand as well.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sell / Sold

I can see how you won't sell in our town.
I can see how they sit you on a shelf in our town.
I can see how you will gather dust in our town.
I can see how you won't sell in our town.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

To New Beginnings

my new superhero is the only one left that's strong
more than love in his gangly little arms
hope boundless as horizon and sea
the timeline of growth is melancholy and free
superhero ease me
into the love of loves.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Sun Prayer

it's hard to concentrate on a moving sock of prayers.
the english language in bandages pent up and grasping for a dawn breath.
dawn like the leveling of its natural masters into a single bursting stream.
this pigeon modernity finding respite in a leaflet of altar dreams.
woozy and squeamish the haze of miracles creeps into oblivion's shoes.
walk tenderly amongst the streamline of coarsened hair, unwashed over the years.
blurry incantation need not a sunset to cease the lonely psalms from washing over mouths.
with a million points of light illuminating the bandaged ritual,
we begin to grow in dust.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Shoes to Suit to Water to Bathe

he is a fool, can't follow in red suit
shoddy shuddering maverick
with no doubt but all of it shoved by spoonful
out of the bosom pocket comes a leveler
a shout of reckoning
to kneel at same height, same width
the challenge comes from a fortress of tongue
breathing mindless and stacking insult on insult
they go at it without blow
the sour heat rising from cramped knuckles
they are willing to do battle
but they cough up in the must
crackle in water
the clapping of waves that do not overflow the tub
do not sit well with the combatants
they will not know cleanup
desire to mend is not an option
he feels the ends spit out of his hands
no following in splendid attire
just mouth and a stalemate
the glory of solace
earmarked in a locked box
forever untouched
by the stingy fling of endless word.